A number of marketing company specializing in new forms of internet marketing have some amazing deals for you. They're offering free stuff to those of us willing to participate in a new program. If you're willing to go through a few steps (maybe 10 minutes), they are willing to send you totally free stuff. All you have to do is complete a trial offer from one of many companies and get some of your friends to do the same. And most of the trial offers cost nothing!
How it works
1. Register for the offer of your choice. (Because of spam, you may want to register for a new email address. We have been told some people have problems with hotmail email addresses.)
2. Input your shipping address. Do not try to use a fake address or they will not be able to send you your free item.
3. You can skip through all the surveys. (Some companies don't have this step.)
4. After you register, you will receive a validation email. Click on the link to activate your account. (Some comapanies don't require validation.)
5. Complete a trial offer. There are many to choose from.
6. Get friends to do the same. Each promotion requires a different amount of referrals.
7. Once you reach the required number of referrals, your account and referrals are verified. This can take a couple days (up to a week), so be patient.
8. Place your oder.
9. You then wait for your free item to arrive!
• The offers are only valid in the United States and sometimes Canada.
• Only one account is allowed per household per promotion (you can sign up for all three promotions with the same account). The companies are very picky about this. Don't try to get around it or all your accounts may be locked.
• Always use IE 6. Other browsers are not fully supported and you may not be credited for completing a trial offer.
Firefox is OK.
• Pick a trial offer where you get instant credit to your account. This speeds up the entire process. For example, the Infone offer credits your account instantly and doesn't require you to cancel any thing. Don't use, don't pay anything. Additionally, sometimes the offer includes a $10 coupon for Amazon.com.
• If you don't like any of the trial offers, check back at different times.