Do I have a deal for those of you out there in search of a great, reliable, cutting edge hosting company. Dreamhost, the host with 20 GB of storage and 1TB of Bandwidth, is giving $50 dollars off of the a whole year of hosting. Thats is a great deal. Yes that is a TERABYTE of Bandwidth 1TB=1000GB. Where else will give you that? hmmm? Especially with $50 off!!
To get the $50 dollars off go to Dreamhost and when you get to checkout put in the coupon code ROCKINDEAL and you will get the $50 off.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Ok nows the time for the Free Xbox 360
Has that Xbox 360 been like a ghost to you? Well no more. You can get one for free!! Just go here and sign up do an offer and get some friends to do the same and you are on your way to getting a wonderful piece of technology. The FREE XBOX 360!!
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Its been a while but its been hectic.
I need to bring you up to date with my free findings. Since the last time i blogged I have gotten a FREE 19" Sony LCD monitor for my wife.(She loves it!) And i also have received a FREE Sony PSP. That thing is a peice of art. I hate to even touch it because its so nice.
Well I have another link for you all to follow. It is for a free XBOX 360!! All you have to do is sign up and then do one of the offers. I would recommend shoppers advantage. It is only a buck, $1, 1 bone, whatever you call it, it's very cheap and you can cancel at any time even before your first month is up.
Here is my link just click on the image:
Well I have another link for you all to follow. It is for a free XBOX 360!! All you have to do is sign up and then do one of the offers. I would recommend shoppers advantage. It is only a buck, $1, 1 bone, whatever you call it, it's very cheap and you can cancel at any time even before your first month is up.
Here is my link just click on the image:
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Got my Free PS2
Oh yeah baby!! I got my PS2 last week. Only one problem I don't have many games (good games) to play on it yet. I have Final Fantasy 8 and Metal Gear Solid for the Ps1 which will play on it but i really want Final Fantasy IX, X, and X-2, but I need some money for that. Hopefully I get that money from and so I can get those and a DDR game and mat. Also I think I am going to get a Onkyo Theatre System! But we will see what happens.
If you want to help me out getting some of that money go HERE or click on one of the links on the right!
Help me and you get that PSP, click on the featured link on the right side please.
If you want to help me out getting some of that money go HERE or click on one of the links on the right!
Help me and you get that PSP, click on the featured link on the right side please.
Monday, February 14, 2005
Free PS2 and others
Well I have been working on some other offers since i got my 20GB iPod. First of all I have been working on a free PS2 which i have completed all the requirements and will be on its way to me this week (2-14-05). Here is the pic of the order:

I have also been trying to get a
• Free Sony PSP and a
• Free Mini Mac and a
• Free iPod Shuffle and
• $450 Paypal. Yes free money!
I have also been trying to get a
• Free Sony PSP and a
• Free Mini Mac and a
• Free iPod Shuffle and
• $450 Paypal. Yes free money!
Friday, January 21, 2005
I got it!!
Well my totally free iPod yesterday. I am listening to it right now as i type this entry Here are some links to Some pics of the wonderful piece of machinery
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
I have to say thanks to my peeps, first and foremost to my beautiful Wife for sticking through all of this, although she was skeptical until she saw that it had come. To my friends at work - Lisa, and Loring. To Barrett, Keith and last but not lease my Mom.
Fitting to start my list with my most important person in my life and ending it with the person that gave me life. Thanks you two.
I will keep updating as other stuff arrives.
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
I have to say thanks to my peeps, first and foremost to my beautiful Wife for sticking through all of this, although she was skeptical until she saw that it had come. To my friends at work - Lisa, and Loring. To Barrett, Keith and last but not lease my Mom.
Fitting to start my list with my most important person in my life and ending it with the person that gave me life. Thanks you two.
I will keep updating as other stuff arrives.
Friday, January 14, 2005
Well everyone my free ipod is in the Mail or should i say on a DHL Truck bound for my house!! Yes it will be here on the 20th which will be this thursday. Like i have said there is nothing except for 4 things that are better than free stuff especially a free $300 dollar piece of equipment that used to be a pipe dream. That pipe dream will become a reality on thursday. Then all the naysayers and all the skeptics shall be put back where they came from and will become that person that wants in on the action late in the game. We have openings but its a little harder to hook them up. I will be posting pics everywhere from me such as here and my website and at and anywhere else that will take it. I will keep updating as things go down.
More Cool Free Sites
Well I have found a whole bunch more sites with free stuff!!! From magazine subscriptions to Surround sound speakers. It's amazing what's out there. For instance:
- This site is great and has a ton of stuff
- Heres a site for the new iPod Shuffle
- Here is a site for that new Mini Mac
- Here is one for a free XBOX, PS2, or GC Prizecube consoles
- Here is a site with free gifts no referrals
Sent to Vendor Waiting on Product!!!
Well it looks like things are moving quick for the free ipod. I went from being sent in for approval to Sent to vendor in less than 48 hours. That is exciting. If they get the product in soon that means that I could feasibly get my ipod next week!! That is soooo cool. I will keep this updated as things progress.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
My account is now processing which means the FREE iPod will ship here in a week or so. That is the sweetest news ever. I am so excited. I will keep you all up to date!!
Monday, January 10, 2005
I got my account sent in for approval
Here is the message it says now - "You have requested that your account be approved. We will now go through this process, and review your account and referrals. Please check back after 5 business days to see your status." We will see how it goes. I am excited.
Here is another site with a whole bunch of stuff for free: Check it out please.
Here is another site with a whole bunch of stuff for free: Check it out please.
Thursday, January 06, 2005
This guide is not just for a free ipod...
Its for all the free offers. Such as:
And more to come.
- Free Xbox, PS2 or GC Consoles
- Free Flat Screen monitors, and tv's
- Free PhotoiPods
And more to come.
Referrals, referrals, referrals
This whole free iPod thing is about referrals. I was stupid when i joined i didn't join under someone for that was a mistake. This is all about the referrals. There are things called conga lines which are essentially referral lines. You get in under the first person in line and that gives them credit, and that puts you at the end of the conga line. Once that person is done with their offer the next person in the conga line goes next and when that person is done the next person and so on and so on until it comes to you. All this time you should also be getting any people that you know that might do this to sign up under you for a referral.
So don't go out and sign up by yourself. Do it under someone, such as myself Or if you have friends doing this help them out, if not help me or find a conga line such as Comment to me if you have any questions about a good conga line. I will help you out.
So don't go out and sign up by yourself. Do it under someone, such as myself Or if you have friends doing this help them out, if not help me or find a conga line such as Comment to me if you have any questions about a good conga line. I will help you out.
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